右邊新增的標籤引用自網友文章 http://zeel.pixnet.net/blog/post/21711968
目前衛生署公佈的安全標準號稱是美國FDA所設定的安全標準,然而這句話卻有重大的瑕疵。(以下引用批踢踢八卦板nightcatman (夜貓)網友的文章)
(2) 三聚氰胺的量測:
一般是用GC或HPLC來測, 前面有爭論到底現行量測的精確度到哪, 在FDA文件中, 最低偵測極限(lower limit of detection, LOD) 可以低到10ppb, 但那是最佳數值, 一般情況下LOD約在50~100ppb, 此數值被FDA和歐盟都採用, 在此之下的量測值就算是有, 也會被視為是零, 因此衛生署所訂的2.5ppm是量測極限的說法, 並不成立, 真正的量測極限遠低於此
附帶一提, 聯合報有新聞說某學者聲稱FDA對三聚氰胺的標準是50ppb, 該學者引用的就是這個數字, 不過他這是亂套數據, LOD 和限制標準根本是兩回事
(3) Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI):
這應該是最被誤解的數值了, 首先我們必須先了解, TDI是用在 "不該存在於食品中" 的物質的, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) 才是用在食品添加物上的, 因此看到TDI, 就表示了該物質絕對不該被視為是食品添加物, 而應該被視為是有害物質
由於是TDI是對有害物質而不是食物, 所以基於道德因素, 人體實驗是不可能的, 只能做動物實驗, 因此前面有人質疑FDA文件裏的TDI沒有做人體試驗, 這是完全nonsense的質疑
而TDI是由NOAEL (no-observed-adverse-effect-levels)得來, 如字面所述, NOAEL即是在實驗中沒有觀察到任何負面現象的劑量上限, 這和LD50不同, 不是死了才算而是只要有任何異常都算, 所以前面有人質疑TDI只能反應致死率而不能反應致病率, 這一樣
在FDA的文件中, 三聚氰胺的NOAEL是 63 mg/kg bw/day, 這個數值必須再除以10以容許物種差異的風險(因為做的是動物實驗), 然後再除以10以容許個體差異的風險, 這稱為 safety/uncertainty factors (SF/UF), 最後所得到的 0.63 mg/kg bw/day 就是TDI, 所以前面有人質疑老鼠實驗不能套用到人身上, 但這風險其實已經在TDI的計算過程裏面被估計進去了
真正該質疑的點是年齡問題, 對嬰幼兒而言, TDI應該再下降, 甚至可下降10倍都不為過
(4) FDA的文件:
原文在 http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/melamra.html
很多人誤解了這文件的目的, 這文件並不是要訂一個食品標準, 而是由於當年有很多含三聚氰胺的中國製寵物食品及飼料進到美國, 因此美國希望知道它在豬肉,雞肉,魚肉,蛋類中的殘留量是否會有安全上的顧慮, 首先他們做了動物實驗去估計TDI, 然後量測在各種食物內的三聚氰胺殘留量, 接著設計了三種情境去估算人體的三聚氰胺攝取量, 並且和TDI比較, 結果顯示即使在最壞的情況下 (Scenario 3, Worst case), 人體攝取量仍舊遠低於TDI兩個數量級以上
(6) 版上的討論及個人看法:
首先不能不提到的就是某些文中對於ppm和TDI的計算, 在那些文中以衛生署所訂標準的2.5ppm來計算奶粉中的三聚氰胺含量, 然後與美國或歐盟的TDI比較, 來證明衛生署所訂的標準是合理的
我要說的是, 在數字上, 那些文中的計算是正確的, 照這樣算出來的攝取量確實遠低於TDI, 但是在概念上, 用這樣的計算結果去推論衛生署所訂的標準是合理的卻無法成立, 原因如下:
由前述, 三聚氰胺應是有害物質而不是食品添加物, 因此才會用TDI而不是ADI, 而對於兩者的管理邏輯是完全不同的, 對於食品添加物而言, 可以消極的將ADI訂為安全的上限, 只要不超過這個標準就容許添加, 但是對於有害物質而言, TDI應該積極的做為警戒的下限, 也就是說至少要警戒到TDI的程度, 但並不限於警戒到TDI的程度就算了, 其標準應該要低於TDI且越嚴越好, 直到逼近到環境不可避免的程度 (例如容器的洩漏或動物體內的殘存)
但很顯然的, 衛生署的2.5ppm並不是依這樣的邏輯來設定的, 它並沒有盡力去逼近到環境不可避免的最嚴格程度, 也因此無法真正排除人為添加的可能性, 而這就是衛生署最大的錯誤所在 -- 它把一個有害物質用食品添加物的邏輯來管理, 同時這也是前述計算文的盲點所在, 算出來的數字低於TDI, 並不代表這個標準就是合理的, 因為那是TDI而不是ADI
FDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination
On September 12, 2008, in light of reports from China of melamine contaminated infant formula, the FDA issued a Health Information Advisory to proactively reassure the American public that there is no known threat of contamination in infant formula manufactured by companies that have met the requirements to sell such products in the United States. That advisory also warned members of Chinese communities in the United States that infant formula manufactured in China, possibly available for purchase at Asian markets, could pose a risk to infants.
The FDA had contacted the companies who manufacture infant formula for distribution in the United States and received, from the companies, information that they are not importing formula or sourcing milk-based materials from China.
At the same time, the FDA—in conjunction with state and local officials—began a nation-wide investigation to check Asian markets for Chinese manufactured infant formula that may have been brought into the United States. In particular, this effort focused on areas of the country with large Chinese communities, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and New York. To date, investigators have visited more than 1,000 retail markets and have not found Chinese infant formula present on shelves in these markets.
In addition, the FDA is advising consumers not to purchase infant formula manufactured in China from internet sites or from other sources.
The FDA has taken, and will continue to take, proactive measures to help ensure the safety of the American food supply. In conjunction with state and local officials, the FDA will continue to check Asian markets for food items that are imported from China and that could contain a significant amount of milk or milk proteins. In addition, the FDA has broadened its domestic and import sampling and testing of milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk, such as candies, desserts, and beverages that could contain these ingredients from Chinese sources. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein.
This sampling and testing is done when these ingredients or products are imported into the United States or found during visits to Asian markets. If the products are adulterated because they contain melamine and/or a melamine analog, the FDA will take action to prevent the products from entering the U.S. food supply.
In addition to state and local governments, the FDA is working in close cooperation with Customs and Border Protection within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, other federal agencies, and foreign governments.